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Explainer video 009: Video Quality

3:54 - What is video quality, how does the process look and how do you determine the best possible settings for your type of content.

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Explainer video 008: The Common Media Application Format (CMAF)

2:42 - What is CMAF, how does it work and what are the benefits.

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Explainer video 007: Video Protocol

1:53 - What is a video protocol, what are the different types and how can you use them.

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Explainer video 006: Interactions via metadata or server

5:52 - How to make a live video interactive? Time based triggers: external server vs metadata

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Explainer video 005: artefacts in live video streams

3:00 - Artefacts in live video streams.

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Explainer video 004: Structured vs unstructured interactions

2:13 - How to make interactive video streams with structured and unstructured interactions.

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Explainer video 003: What is a video chunk?

2:08 - The world behind video. Video chunks, low latency and more.

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Explainer video 002: What is glass-to-glass latency?

2:27 - Glass-to-glass latency and why it is so important.

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Explainer video 001: What is a 'video encoder'?

1:30 - Video encoder, what is does and how you might use one.
