
over the top live video

Live entertainment 2.0:
It’s time to bring live entertainment into the future

Cable and live television withstood disruption longer than other media industries, but thanks to the rise of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+, industry change is now in full swing.

Today, the space feels unsettled. Many incumbent networks and new entrants alike are looking for ways to differentiate themselves and carve their stake in this emerging space. To stay relevant, passive streaming won’t be enough for long. The way we see it, an engaged audience is the future.

As the industry settles, the rights to live entertainment become increasingly valuable. So if you’re still giving your rights away to third party social video platforms, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Now it’s easier than ever to keep things under your own roof. Start streaming, augmenting, engaging, and monetizing your content on your terms using any of your owned and operated sites and apps.

Livery will help you…

Capture and hold viewer attention

Let viewers shop merchandise, interact with advertisers, access exclusive subscriber-only content, or buy tickets to events without disrupting the viewer experience.

Capture and hold viewer attention

Expand your reach and target new audiences with ease: make your content available to people all around the world. Wherever your viewers are, Livery can reach them with ease and consistent quality.

Maximize your monetization potential with in-stream shopping

Active viewers are the future of live content. Create live shows that hold attention unlike anything else, with dozens of interaction triggers that keep them engaged from start to finish.

Reach customers around the country or globe

You own your audience and data, not us (as it should be).

Break through the content noise

Seamlessly scale from 100 participants to a million without breaking a sweat (or the stream). No inconsistent buffering, quality loss, or down time to worry about.

Offer an unforgettable experience with 100% ownership rights

Interactive livestreams provide unique insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, vastly improving your data-driven decision making capabilities.

An idea

Social streaming

What’s next? Next to the major streaming platforms like Twitch and Youtube live, smaller platforms oriented to a specific niche market will become more common. This has to do with organisations like Livery who are able to provide all necessary building blocks for a social streaming platform. Allowing the customers to focus on the best possible experience for their target audience, without thinking about technical challenges around video delivery or the necessary cloud encoding framework. 

Within a view clicks, Livery’s video platform is combined with his interaction platform. Allowing our customers to features we know from the major platforms (Twitch, Facebook or Instagram live) like; Chat, Live Reactions, Polls and more to their platform. 



During a pandemic lockdown, Thuisgaan organized a major live music event powered by Livery for people stuck at home. 12 DJs played back-to-back for 30 minutes each to create a 6-hour ultra-low latency live streaming event.

The high audio quality and bitrate of Livery’s streaming platform made it possible to deliver an incredible live music experience to the living rooms of all music and live show lovers. 



6 hours

live streaming

ultra high

audio & video quality

You're in good company

Easy monetization: your content your way

Impressive out-of-the-box features

Highly engaged viewers are more likely to watch your stream all the way through, interact with you, place a wager, make a purchase, and come back for the next one. Livery includes a wealth of ways to engage your audience and energize your livestream.

Our standard interaction toolkit is ready to use with no additional effort or upfront cost. With our video add-ons and widgets, you can craft a unique and memorable experience.

  • Let viewers choose the man of the match or game.
  • Give your audience a chance to guess the headline of the day.
  • Create an interactive live trivia game show.
  • Offer a QVC-style shopping experience.
  • Sell tickets, merchandise, and more.
    Allow pundits to answer Q&As.
  • And so much more…

The possibilities with Livery are endless.

Reach viewers around the world with ease

Scalability: your broadcast is ready to reach millions

Livery is designed as a “one-to-many” solution powered by the world’s most powerful CDN. This means you’ll be able to scale to millions of concurrent users and handle traffic spikes with ease.

You can’t afford to lose viewers mid-broadcast because your infrastructure can’t cope with the traffic. With Livery, there is strength in numbers.

Without changing your methods or workflow, Livery’s underlying standard ULL CMAF works with regular CDNs and is designed to scale. The more users a Livery stream has, the better the stream gets. Additional users allow data to better distribute and the cache to spread, which means our streams get stronger with size.

Competing solutions may collapse under a heavy data load; Livery thrives.

Why pay more for less?

The highest video quality (without the price tag)

We believe that low latency should come standard, not at a premium price point. You also shouldn’t have to sacrifice scalability or picture quality to get your live video to your audience in real time. That’s why we are proud to offer end-to-end live streaming at prices comparable to more traditional, slower, solutions.

By using established, world-spanning infrastructure and edge networks, Livery is able to offer more flexibility and a lower total cost of ownership compared to competing low latency live streaming solutions, without the compromises.

Compared to WebRTC, Livery offers significantly higher video quality, uses less data, and offers better device and battery efficiency for an overall superior user experience.

Higher picture quality, ultra-low-latency, best-in-class scalability, and so much more starting at just €95 per month. Why pay more for less?

Consistent quality for every viewer

Latency & sync: stream in real time on any device

When broadcasting, you want every viewer to get an equal experience. That means they need to see the same frame at the same time.

Have you ever heard your neighbor celebrating a goal before it has even shown up on your screen? Or switched camera views on an F1 race to realize you missed something, or that you’re rerewatching something you just saw? Those are prime examples of livestreams out of sync. A few seconds is all it takes to ruin the excitement of the moment.

Ultra-low latency and synchronization bring your streaming services to the next level. With Livery, your livestream can be faster than live TV. But it also doesn’t have to be, if, for example, you want a bit of buffer room to smooth out errors, or to stay in sync with a corresponding TV broadcast. You can count on Livery to uphold or improve your performance standard over cable television.

Your viewers can switch devices, tune into another camera angle, or log in from any smart device anywhere in the world without missing a beat.

The only limit is your creativity

Customize with built-in interactivity & open API

Live entertainment is naturally engaging. If viewers don’t pay close attention, they might miss something (like a goal or touchdown). That built-in engagement creates opportunities to take participation to the next level. Make your streams stand out (and earn more revenue) with interactive features like predictions, trivia questions, polls, or live shopping.

The open Livery platform makes it possible to use our out-of-the-box interactions, integrate what you already have, or create custom interactive experiences by adding an interactive layer using Javascript or HTML elements. The API also makes it possible to automate triggers, making it flexible and easy to use. The only limit is your creativity (and coding skills).

Are you ready to future-proof your content strategy?
