

Technology designed and build for live and interacte video

Livery has grown into what today is a complete end-to-end solution that includes a management system, a smart cloud encoder ready for integration with AI tools for versioning and recasting, a CDN, a data and interaction server, and players for iOS, Android, web apps, and webcasting.


Broadcast Grade Recasting & Interactive Video Platform

Your audience deserves quick, responsive, reliable, and captivating feature rich video content tailored to their interests. You deserve to deliver this exceptional experience regardless of the size of your audience, in any format that is technologically feasible, all at a price that is affordable. It’s our mission to ensure your content reaches everyone, everywhere, without compromising on quality or breaking the bank.

Learn about our broadcast grade synchronized, ultra-low latency live video, our incredibly engaging live interactions and the option to integrate AI powered automated versioning of content with our cloud encoder. Documentation that helps you to get up-and-running with different components of the Livery platform is available at


Overcoming Challenges in building Low Latency and Interactive Video Platforms

reinventing interactive video

innovative & unique technical solutions

We have a unique approach, broadcast-grade tech stack and track record to address video and interactive challenges with unique new and creative technical ideas. Examples of unique in-house developed technical solutions:

Cloud encoder with integrated AI Pipeline for smart, just-in-time processing, allowing AI/ML and content recognition and integration with AI Tools for automated video reversioning

Scalable cost efficient, high-quality, low-latency video utilizing ULL CMAF and CDN infrastructure

Scalable high performance interactive platform & APIs 

Dual layer, synchronized player for perfectly matched video, data & interactions

Integrated player controls for video & interactive maximize efficiency of screen use

Low latency DASH in iOS Safari: Livery’s the first video platform to offer the same low latency via DASH in the iOS browser

tech Usp

The big picture

Livery is designed and build as an end-to-end solution built from the ground up to ensure every step in the video chain is optimized for synced and low latency interactive streaming productions. It includes a wide range of interactive features and our cloud encoder offers the option to integrate with AI tools for instant versioning of video content. 

One of the things that makes Livery stand out is our capability to deliver ultra-low latency video at scale.Our platform is the first platform that combines the ULL-CMAF (Ultra-Low Latency) protocol with synchronized and interactive video experiences. As a result, Livery offers more flexibility, control, and features for truly interactive livestreaming across iOS, Android and Web apps. Below is an introduction that explains the architecture and the features of the livery platform. 

(Raamwerk verzinnen: Management system, Encoder, CDN, Player, Interactieve laag. Update maken van Afbeelding hieronder met AI integration er dan uitsnedes uit maken, eventueel ook in kleur maken en dan per sectie een gekleurd vak gebruiken even kijken of de detailpagina’s in de investor presentatie daarvoor bruikbaar zijn)


technology framework

Our guiding product principle: does it improve recasting and interactive live and on demand video content? We have achieved unique technological challenges that were needed to create the perfect solution to make big interactive ideas and live video experiences feasible. After 30+ man years of designing & engineering interactive video, our team addressed that question across the board.


Configurable latency between 2 and 20 second

Low latency lets users see the content as it happens, not 30 seconds later. Ever heard your neighbours celebrate a point while the ball was still miles from the goal on your screen? That’s latency, and for live content, latency sucks. More importantly, latency this low opens up a variety of opportunities, especially in interactive video.

You can choose your desired latency: from glass to glass latency of 1-3 seconds up until 20 seconds, depending on your wishes.

By utilising state-of-the-art ULL-CMAF technology and regular Content Distribution Networks (CDN) we offer superior scalability and quality compared to WebRTC, at lower cost. Plus Livery is end-to-end optimised for low latency, meaning that encoder, CDN and player are all fine-tuned for the lowest possible latency.


Low latency with the use of traditional infrastructure

Livery created the first end-to-end workflow for ULL-CMAF, bringing Netflix-quality audio and video to low latency streams. Chunked CMAF is cost effective, has no scaling limitations, and is compatible with all major CDNs. You can also protect your video by applying any of the common encryption standards.

Traditional HLS & Dash: the encoder has to encode a full segment worth of video before it can be uploaded to the CDN. Next, the CDN delivery adds hundreds of milliseconds on top. Finally, the video player needs another couple hundred milliseconds or so to download the segment. These milliseconds add up.

Livery decouples the segment size from the latency, chopping the video into even smaller pieces called chunks. Instead of pushing entire segments, Livery pushes chunks to the end users, lowering the player’s overall latency and startup time.


The same frame at the same time

Sync: an integrated synchronization approach from encoder to player ensures everyone sees the same thing at the same time.

While latency is crucial, synchronization often matters even more. That’s why we’ve built an end-to-end solution into Livery that ensures every user sees the same picture at the same time. Regardless of where you are, what device you use, or how fast your internet connection is – there are no discrepancies, cheating, or getting ahead.

We plan to add full encryption to provide peace of mind for even the most sensitive live streams, where unintended early access to information to the wrong people could mean a press conference ruined, a stock price manipulated, or many bets lost.


Livery video distribution

CDN: Powered by Akamai, Livery uses the world’s largest CDN for cost efficient delivery of low latency, synced video – scalable to millions

    Use Livery in the US, Europe, Asia and beyond – all at the same time. Stream worldwide, in sync.
    Livery uses the CDN infrastructure of Akamai, the world’s most trusted CDN provider. Akamai fully supports the ULL-CMAF standard on which Livery is based. We are the first video solution to be certified by Akamai to deliver low latency live streaming.
    Why pay more for an untested CDN or third-party WebRTC provider, when Livery offers premium, Akamai-powered CDN capacity at a lower price point?
    Stream with the confidence that your audience will see your content at the same time in perfect sync with consistent low latency. Whether your stream has a few hundred users, or millions, Livery has got you covered.

A deeper dive

management, encoder & player

Hover over the image to highlight a different area of the framework.

Revolutionary Video Player

Experience the next level of viewer engagement with Livery’s newly redesigned video player, reimagined with a mobile-first approach to seamlessly integrate video and interactivity. With these innovative features, Livery’s video player is transforming how content is consumed, making interactive video more accessible, engaging, and enjoyable for audiences everywhere.

New UI

In 2024, we completely overhauled our player’s user interface from the ground up, focusing on a mobile-first design. This redesign ensures a seamless blend of video playback and interactive elements, enhancing the user experience across all devices.

Interactive Layers & Widgets

Our player can be customized with a variety of interactive overlays, including those powered by our advanced AI Pipeline. This flexibility allows for a richer, more engaging viewer interaction tailored to each broadcast.

Low Latency DASH in iOS Safari

Livery is proud to be the first video platform to deliver low latency streaming via DASH in the iOS browser, setting a new standard for video playback on Apple devices.

Player Controls

Our newly integrated video and interactive controls are designed to maximize screen use efficiency, providing a cleaner, more intuitive user interface that enhances viewer interaction without sacrificing screen real estate.


Access and security

Security is an important consideration for any livestream. Here are some of the ways we ensure your stream’s security is well organized.

Domain whitelisting

You can easily whitelist one (or more) domains, meaning that only viewers with emails hosted on these domains can access the stream.

Paid access / Secure session tokens

The secure session tokens limit stream access to just the viewers with a valid token. This feature allows you to create exclusive content accessible only to paying viewers.

Stream Key for RTMP/SRT

Protect the video ingest (RTMP or SRT) with a regenerable key to prevent people from illegally overtaking your stream.

CDN Authentication

CDN authentication protects the connection between the encoder and the CDN.


All stream traffic gets directed via HTTPS, so you can rest assured that Livery delivers the stream safely.


Detailed analytics

Analytical data is crucial when you want to delivery a high-end video experience. Livery collects data from 3 sources: encoder, CDN, and player SDK’s. All data is collected in a Redshift database and powers Livery’s real-time dashboards. Livery provides an in-deep understanding of the viewing behaviour of it’s participants, helping you and our engineers to provide support when & were needed.

  • Real-time customer stats dashboard
  • Aggregated statistics:
    • connection speed
    • unique users
    • concurrent users over time
    • video quality
    • devices used
    • users per app/website
    • location based heat-map
  • Stats driven optimizations
  • System health Checks

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